Engineers Week 10 Stations

Station Four: Which column will stay standing

Engineers Week starts here on Tuesday 4th March till Friday 7th March.
The 10 challenges are aimed at 2nd-4th classes, so do bring your students along to build structures, test gravity and grab a few bonus question points along the way!
We will be running 2 sessions per day, starting at 9.45am and 11.15am. The sessions will last an hour.
Available sessions:
Tues 4th 9.45am Free & 11.15am Booked
Wed 5th 9.45am Free & 11.15am Booked
Thurs 6th 9.45am Free & 11.15am Free
Fri 7th 9.45am Booked & 11.15am Booked
If you can’t make it to us then take a look at some of the activities to do in school or at home on our Teacher Resources page and Engineers Ireland provide fantastic resources too.
To make a booking please click the ‘Enquire here’ button below.