Please note that during Engineering week ( Tuesday March 4th – Friday March 7th) there will be school groups in the library from 9:45- 10:45 and 11:15-12:15.

Organisational Structure

The Director of Marsh’s Library is responsible for the strategic direction and management of the institution. The Deputy Director works with the Director to manage the staff, finances and the practical day-to-day running of the Library.

The management team is answerable to the trustees of the Library. The 1707 Act which established the Library provided for the structure and membership of a board of trustees which (with some modifications) remains in place to this day. Under the Act, six ex officio trustees serve as a result of their positions in the spheres of law, learning and religion.

Under the terms of the 1997 Cultural Institutions Act, the Minister for the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media can nominate two individuals as Governors and Guardians of Marsh’s Library. Each of the Minister’s nominees serves for a maximum of five years, and be re-nominated for a second term of up to three years.

These eight trustees are known as the ‘Governors and Guardians of Marsh’s Library’.

The Governors and Guardians receive no financial reward or expenses of any kind.

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