Please note that Marsh’s Library will be closed Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th January for staff training.

Maddock Research Fellowships, 2024-25


Maddock Research Fellowships, 2024-25

This call is now closed but the post is retained for information. Details of successful candidates and their proposals will be published here in due course.

Marsh’s Library (founded in 1707) is situated in the heart of Dublin beside St Patrick’s Cathedral. It houses a significant collection of 20,000 early modern Irish, British and continental European books and pamphlets, as well as a range of manuscripts.

Our Benjamin Iveagh Library at Farmleigh House in the Phoenix Park is a collection of beautifully bound books with strengths in eighteenth-century Irish politics, history and literature.

We invite applications for Maddock Research Fellowships on any aspect of our rich collections, but we particularly welcome proposals relating to:

  • Early modern France, including the Huguenots and their diaspora.
  • Female book owners and readers
  • Exile, asylum and refuge in early modern Europe
  • Any aspect of the holdings in our Benjamin Iveagh Library at Farmleigh House

The library catalogue can be explored at:

Terms and conditions

We invite applications for short-term fellowships of between one week and one month to be held at any time between 1 September 2024 and 31 December 2025.

To encourage visits that integrate our important but relatively small holdings into contemporary scholarship, the library proposes to make three types of awards:

– up to €1,200 per person for a one-week Maddock Research Fellowship

– up to €1,500 per person for a two-week Maddock Research Fellowship

– up to €2,000 per person for a one-month Maddock Research Fellowship

The decision of the selection committee on all matters relating to the award of a Maddock Research Fellowship shall be final.


There are three distinct areas of eligibility:

  1. Emerging and established scholars who hold a Ph.D. degree.
  2. Graduate students who have completed more than two years of a Ph.D. programme. In other words, applications will be accepted from graduate students in their third or subsequent years of doctoral research.
  3. Applicants with professional skills or knowledge (e.g. in languages, art or ICT) who wish to conduct preliminary research for an exhibition, work of art, or other public engagement based on our holdings. Such applicants do not need to hold a higher degree.

Duties of a Maddock Research Fellow

Visiting Research Fellows will be expected to:

  1. Conduct research among the holdings of the library
  2. Write a short blogpost for our website at the end of the fellowship
  3. Acknowledge the award of a Maddock Research Fellowship at Marsh’s Library in all resulting presentations and publications
  4. Provide Marsh’s Library with one copy of any publication which results from the research undertaken during the fellowship.

How to apply

Applications for the research fellowships must be submitted via email to before 5.00 pm (Irish time) on Wednesday 1 May 2024. Applications must be submitted in one attachment to an email in either Word or PDF format, and should comprise:

  1. A short CV of no more than two pages
  2. Details of the applicant’s project, paying special attention to the books and manuscripts to be consulted (no more than 1,200 words)
  3. The name and contact details of one referee who has agreed to send by email a letter in support of the application to Marsh’s Library by 5.00 pm (Irish time) on Wednesday 1 May 2024.


One reference in support of each application must be received by Marsh’s Library via email ( before 5.00 pm (Irish time) on Wednesday 1 May 2024. Referees must send their recommendation directly to Marsh’s Library.

Deadline for receipt of applications

Applications will close at 5.00 pm (Irish time) on Wednesday 1 May 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.

Notification of results of the fellowship competition

All candidates will be notified of the final status of the competition by email on the afternoon of Friday 31 May 2024.


Questions arising from this call for applications should be addressed to the Director of Marsh’s Library, Dr Jason McElligott, at


The Maddock Research Fellowships are made possible by

the generosity of Philip and Niamh Maddock of Rhode Island, USA.


Maddock Fellows 2022

Marsh’s Library elected 16 ‘Maddock Research Fellows’ for 2022

The scholars and their projects are:

1. Dr Roseanne Baars: ‘Justice for Catholics and Huguenots alike? Abraham Tessereau and the peace commissioners of Louis XIV’.

2. Dr Nora Baker: ‘Conversion and Culpability in Seventeenth-Century France’.

3. Dr Daniel Cook: ‘Gulliver’s Afterlives’.

4. Ms Sara D’Amico: Adding information on Marsh’s incunabula to Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) database

5. Mr David S Dunlop: ‘Marbling in insular bindings in the holdings of Marsh’s Library’.

6. Dr Ana Saez Hidalgo: ‘Reading and writing British church history: Philip Perry in conversation with Edward Stillingfleet’.

7. Ms Emma Hill: ‘Flamsteed’s Historia Coelestis Britannica (1725)’.

8. Dr Cynthia Huffman: ‘Educational resources from the mathematical treasures at Marsh’s Library’.

9. Dr Michelle Johansen: ‘Behind the library desk at Marsh’s Library in the long nineteenth century’.

10. Dr James LeDuc: ‘John Bale and the political theologies of “Reform” in Ireland, 1538–1554’.

11. Dr Matthew McDonald: ‘Provincial Cosmopolitans. Dublin’s Huguenots and the spread of European French’.

12. Dr Clare Moriarty: ‘A Glimpse of the Moon: John Hanna’s Astronomical Creed (1725)’.

13. Dr Colin Reid: ‘The library of the Nation: Uncovering Thomas Davis’s pamphlet collection at Marsh’s Library’.

14. Dr Ellen Scheible: ‘Domestic/Violence: Body, Home, and Nation in Irish Fiction’.

15. Dr Malcolm Walsby: ‘Editing an unknown chronicle of Angers (1519-1539)’.

16. Dr Niall Dilucia: ‘Seventeenth-century Catholic scholarship in Marsh’s Library’.

Maddock Fellows 2021

Marsh’s Library elected 9 ‘Maddock Research Fellows’ for 2021

A book printed in Kyiv, 1657

The continuing generosity of Niamh and Philip Maddock of Providence, Rhode Island, USA has enabled us to elect the following scholars to paid research fellowships at Marsh’s Library for 2021.  The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that some fellowships are held over until scholars are able to travel.

The scholars and their research projects are:

1. Cusk, Dr Sarah (Lincoln College, Oxford, UK). Project: ‘The Oriental books in Marsh’s library’.
2. Gillen, Dr Ultán (Teeside University, UK). Project: ‘(Counter-)Enlightenment, Counter-Revolution, and Union: Conservative Political Thought in the Age of Revolutions’.
3. Gribben, Professor Crawford (QUB, Belfast). Project: ‘John Owen’s social network: Friends, rivals and the literary culture of nonconformity’.
4. Hughes, Professor Ann (Keele University, UK). Project: ‘Collecting, reading and organising English sermons 1640-1662: the evidence from Marsh’s Library’.
5. Kleinman, Dr Sylvie (Visiting Research Fellow, History, TCD). Project: ‘Huguenot Charity in Ireland, ca 1692-1929: From French origins to social chapter of Ireland’s and Dublin’s history’.
6. Konieczny, Ms Claire (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, USA). Project: ‘The Visual Rhetoric of Literature from the French Wars of Religion’.
7. Larminie, Dr Vivienne (History of Parliament Trust, UK). Project: ‘International Protestant Networks before the Revocation: the impact of travel, education and information exchange’.
8. Milton, Professor Anthony (Sheffield University, UK). Project: ‘A new study of Thomas Wentworth. English Protestantism and Europe in the seventeenth century’.
9. Wendling, Ms Karina (Strasbourg University, France). Project: ‘The Bible at work: Protestant networks for the scriptural education of the poor in the 19th century’.


Maddock Fellows 2020



These scholars and their projects are:

1. Dr Colin Reid, ‘Becoming a Democratic Country: Ideas of Democracy, Sovereignty and Representative Government in Ireland, c.1798-1922′.

2. Professor Marcello Cattaneo, ‘Scholarly satire and polemical theology before Swift’.

3. Dr John Condren, ‘Louis XIV and the Peace of Italy: French Policy towards the Po Princes, 1659-1701’.

4. Professor Linda Briggs, ‘Huguenot Responses to the First War of Religion,1562-1567’.

5. Dr Una McIlvenna, ‘Hatred in Print: The Pamphlet Explosion on the Death of Concino Concini, Marquis d’Ancre’.

6. Professor Tim Harris, ‘Britain’s Century of Revolutions, 1603-1691’.

7. Dr Kevin Windhauser, ‘Circulating Knowledges: Literature and the Idea of the Library in Renaissance England’.

8. Dr Kristina Varade, ‘Charles Lever and the Legacy of Anglo-Irish/Italian Transnational Exchange’.

9. Dr Bram van Leuveren, ‘Contesting Diplomacies in Print: French Holdings of Marsh’s Library on the Habsburg-Bourbon Marriages of 1612-1615’

10. Dr Helwi Blom, ‘Briot’s books: the dispersal of the library of the French physician and translator Pierre Briot (1613-1678) and the Huguenot diaspora’.

11. Dr Helen Kemp, ‘The Significance of Seventeenth-Century Notebooks in Marsh’s Library’.

12. Dr Eloise Davies, ‘Venetian influences on Bishop William Bedell (1571–1642)’.

13. Dr Claire McNulty, ‘“For Our Irish Brethren”: Irish perspectives on the disciplinary revolution in seventeenth-century Scotland’.

14. Ms Olga Taranova, ‘Early Printed Slavic Books at Marsh’s Library’.

15. Mr Dan Sperrin, ‘Swift’s reading of Baronius and Clarendon’.

16. Dr Jennifer Murray, ‘A survey of bindings and the waste fragments which had been removed from them in Marsh’s Library’.

17. Professor Helen Parish, ‘Observation, Providence, and Imagination: Collecting and Recording Natural History in Early Modern Europe’.

18. Professor Deana Rankin, ‘French and English Literature and Literary Translation in the Bouhéreau and Marsh Catalogue holdings’.

19. Dr Marie Leoutre, ‘Élie Bouhéreau’s friendships with Benjamin D’Aillon and Guillaume Turon de Beyrie’.

Maddock Fellows 2018-19


These scholars and their projects were:

1. Dr Tamara Atkin (Queen Mary, University of London, UK), ‘Ecologies of Waste in Early Modern England: Historiography and the Recycling of Old Books’.

2. Ms Kelsey Champagne (Yale University, USA), ‘Atlantic Exiles: British Catholicism in Europe and the Atlantic World, ca.1640-1700’.

3. Professor Derval Conroy (UCD, Ireland), ‘Assessing the early modern French holdings of the Benjamin Iveagh collection, 1500-1800’.

4. Dr Heidi Craig (University of Toronto, Canada), ‘Huguenot exiles and paper making and importation in England’.

5. Dr Jamie Cumby (St Andrews University, UK), ‘Annotations in French law books in Marsh’s Library’.

6. Dr Eilish Gregory (University College London, UK), ‘Catholic sequestration in early modern Ireland, 1641-1715’.

7. Dr Georgina Hedesan (University of Oxford, UK), ‘Medical Practice in Late 17th Century France: A Digital Database of the Medical Prescriptions in the Bouhéreau Collection’.

8. Ms Muriel Horeau (La Rochelle archives, France), ‘Books printed by the reformed printers of early modern La Rochelle in the collections of the Marsh’s Library’.

9. Professor Noreen Humble (University of Calgary, Canada), ‘Reconstructing the Lost Notebooks of Elias Bouhéreau’.

10. Dr David Van der Linden (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), ‘Remembering the Wars of Religion in 17th-Century La Rochelle’.

11. Professor Nicholas McDowell (University of Exeter, UK), ‘Rabelais in the books and papers of Elias Bouhéreau’.

12. Dr Anna Reynolds (University of York, UK), ‘The Printed Waste in Marsh’s Library’.

13. Dr Jameson Tucker (University of Plymouth, UK), ‘Huguenot Exile Networks’.

McGrath Fellows

McGrath Fellows


The first call for this fellowship programme was issued in 2019.

Dr Ruairi O hAodha was elected as the first Dr Bríd McGrath Fellow: his award was deferred until 2021 due to Covid-19.

Dr Marie Léoutre was elected as the second Dr Bríd McGrath Fellow in 2022.

Dr Brid McGrath

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