The Director
Jason McElligott has wide research interests in the field of early modern print culture, and is currently writing a book on white-collar crime in eighteenth-century Dublin.
He read for his Ph.D. in modern history at St. John’s College, Cambridge. He was a Research Associate at Cambridge University (2001-2003), and an IRCHSS Post-Doctoral Fellow in University College Dublin (2003-2005).
As the ‘J.P.R Lyell Research Fellow in the History of the Early Modern Printed Book’ (2005-2008) he was a full Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. He worked at the Trinity Long Room Hub in Trinity College Dublin from October 2008 and came to Marsh’s in October 2011.
Un-Enlightened Readers: Stealing Books in Eighteenth-Century Dublin (forthcoming).
Censorship and the Press, 1640-1660 (London, 2009).
Royalism, Print and Censorship in Revolutionary England (Woodbridge, 2007).
A Companion Volume to Roger Morrice’s Entring Book, 1677-1691 (with Mark Goldie), (Woodbridge, 2007).
Cromwell: Our Chief of Enemies (Dundalk, 1994).
The Lost Diary of Bram Stoker, 1878-1910 (forthcoming).
The Cato Street Conspiracy: Plotting, Counter-Intelligence and the Revolutionary Tradition in Britain and Ireland (co-edited with Martin Conboy) (Manchester University Press, 2019).
The Perils of Print Culture: Book, Print and Publishing History in Theory and Practice (co-edited with Eve Patten), (London, 2014).
Royalists and Royalism during the Interregnum (co-edited with David L. Smith) (Manchester, 2010).
Censorship and the Press, 1580-1720 (four-volume sourcebook; general editor, with Geoff Kemp of Auckland, New Zealand) (London, 2009).
Royalists and Royalism during the English Civil Wars (co-edited with David L. Smith) (Cambridge, 2007).
Fear, Exclusion and Revolution: Roger Morrice and Britain in the 1680s (Aldershot, 2006).
‘Stealing and selling Dr Bouhéreau’s books in the long eighteenth century’, in Janée Allsman & Amy Boylan (eds), Élie Bouhéreau:
The collections and communities of a Huguenot refugee (forthcoming in 2025).
‘Smuggling, Stealing, Selling, Shooting and Safe-Guarding a Huguenot Library in Dublin, 1707-2024’ in Huguenot Society Journal, 37 (2024): https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/doi/abs/10.3828/huguenot.2024.37.5
‘Tralee, 1756: Shakespeare on the Atlantic edge’ (co-authored with Marc Caball) in Andrew Murphy (ed.), Shakespeare in Ireland: Adaptations and Appropriations (forthcoming in 2024).
‘Theatre and the development of spa tourism in eighteenth-century Tralee’ (co-authored with Marc Caball) in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 39(2024): https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/doi/abs/10.3828/eci.2024.4
‘Bram Stoker, Millbank Prison, and Criminal Insanity’ (forthcoming in 2025).
‘A Civil War encounter on the steps of Marsh’s Library in Dublin, 1923’, (co-authored with Julie Burke) (forthcoming in 2024)
‘Legal Contexts: Licensing, Censorship and Censure’, forthcoming in Nicholas Brownlees (ed.), The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640-1800 (Edinburgh, 2023). Article co-written with Geoff Kemp.
‘The Ragged-Gowned Philanthropist: Miss Lamotte’s Post-Mortem Auction, 1769’, Eighteenth Century Ireland, 36:1(2021): 79–92. https://doi.org/10.3828/eci.2021.8
‘Cato Street, Proclamations and the Insurrectionary Tradition in Britain and Ireland’, Parliamentary History, 40:3(2021): 481-501. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-0206.12586
‘Jewish and Hebrew Books in Marsh’s Library: Materiality and Intercultural Engagement in Early Modern Ireland’, co-authored with Dr Bradford A. Anderson, in Religions, 2020, 11(11), 597; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11110597
‘The Ideal Immigrants?’, Huguenot Society Journal, 33, 2020, 107-11.
‘The Men They Couldn’t Hang. “Sensible” Radicals and the Cato Street Conspiracy’, in Martin Conboy & Jason McElligott (eds), The Cato Street Conspiracy: Plotting, Counter-Intelligence and the Revolutionary Tradition in Britain and Ireland (Manchester, 2019).
‘”We only have to be lucky once”. Cato Street, insurrection and the revolutionary tradition’, Introduction in Martin Conboy & Jason McElligott (eds), The Cato Street Conspiracy: Plotting, Counter-Intelligence and the Revolutionary Tradition in Britain and Ireland (Manchester, 2019).
‘The portable homeland of Élie Bouhéreau’, in Marie Léoutre et al. (eds), The Diary (1689-1719) and financial accounts (1704-17) of Élie Bouhéreau (Dublin, 2019), pp. x-xx.
‘Bram Stoker and the Un-Dead History of the Seventeenth Century’, in Jason McElligott, Bram Stoker and the Haunting of Marsh’s Library (Dublin, 2019), pp. 54-83.
‘Ownership Inscriptions and Life-Writing in the Books of Early Modern Women’, in Julie Eckerle & Naomi McAreavey (eds), Women’s Life Writing and Early Modern Ireland (Lincoln, NE, 2019).
‘Advertising and Selling in Cromwellian Newsbooks’, in S. Graheli (ed.), Buying and Selling. The Business of Books in Early Modern Europe (Leiden: Brill, 2019).
‘Investigating Human-Rare Historic Book Interaction among Young Adults’ (with Diane Sonnenwald) in M. Obaid, I.V. Alaca, P.W. Wozniak, L. Lischke & M. Billinghurst (eds.), Transforming Books and the Reading Experience through Interactive Technologies, a special issue of International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s), no. 32, (2017), 126-49.
‘The Royal Shambles (1816): Hiding Republicanism in Plain Sight‘, in Geoff Kemp (ed.), Censorship Moments: Reading Key Censorship Texts (New York and London, 2015).
‘Licensing, Censorship and the Book Trade’, in Laura Knoppers (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Literature and the English Revolution (Oxford, 2012).
‘William Hone, Print Culture, and the Nature of Radicalism’, in Ariel Hessayon & David Finnegan (eds), Varieties of Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century English Radicalism in Context (Farnham, 2011).
‘1641’ in Joad Raymond (ed.), The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture, vol. 1: Beginnings to 1660 (Oxford, 2011).
‘Atlantic Royalism? Polemic, Censorship and “A Declaration and Protestation of the Governor and Inhabitants of Virginia” (1649)’ in McElligott & Smith (eds), Royalists and Royalism during the Interregnum (Manchester, 2010).
‘The Constitution of Early-Modern Censorship’, with Geoff Kemp, in Cyndia S. Clegg (ed.), Censorship and the Press, 1580-1639 (London, 2009), pp. xiii-xxxiii.
‘Introduction: Censure, Censorship and Press Freedom during the English Revolution’, in McElligott, Censorship and the Press, 1640-1660 (London, 2009).
‘Stabilizing and Destabilizing Britain in the 1680s’, in Jason McElligott (ed.), Fear, Exclusion and Revolution: Roger Morrice and Britain in the 1680s (Farnham, 2006).
‘“Several hundred squabbling small tradesmen”? Censorship, the Stationers’ Company, and the state in seventeenth-century England’, Media History, vol 11, no. 1/2, 2005, 87- 104. Reprinted under the same title in Joad Raymond (ed.), News networks in seventeenth-century Britain and Europe (2005).
‘Roger Morrice and the reputation of the Eikon Basilike in the 1680s’, The Library, 7th ser., vol 6, 2(June 2005), 119-32.
‘A new eyewitness account of the Battle of the Boyne’, The Irish Sword, vol. XXIV, no. 95 (Summer 2004), 31-43.
‘John Crouch: a royalist journalist in Cromwellian England’, Media History, vol. 10, no 3, 2004, 139-55.
Author of twenty-two articles for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (September 2004). My areas of interest include royalist authors, printers, publishers, and clergymen of the civil wars and interregnum.
‘The politics of sexual libel: royalist propaganda in the 1640s’, Huntington Library Quarterly, 67 (March 2004), 75-99.
‘Cromwell, Drogheda and the abuse of Irish history’, Bullán: an Irish Studies Journal, vi, no. 1 (Summer/Fall2001), 109-32.
‘Edward Crouch: a poor printer in seventeenth-century London’, Journal of the Printing Historical Society, ns 1 (2000), 49-73.
‘Babbits, Bears and Bolsheviks: The Koestler – Merleau-Ponty Controversy of 1947’, in UCD History Review, Vol IX (1995), pp. 27-37.
Bram Stoker and the Haunting of Marsh’s Library (Dublin, 2019). Catalogue of an exhibition curated by Jason McElligott. ISBN: 978-0-9930953-5-1. An online version of Bram Stoker and the Haunting of Marsh’s Library.
‘The Edge of Oblivion: Unique Books and Pamphlets in Marsh’s Library’, in McElligott & Doyle, Sole Survivors: The Rarest Books in the World (Dublin, 2018), pp. 5-9.
Sole Survivors: The Rarest Books in the World. Catalogue of an exhibition curated by Jason McElligott & Lindsay Doyle, May 2018. ISBN: 978-0-9930953-4-4. Online exhibition of ‘Sole Survivors: The Rarest Books in the World’.
‘Hunting Stolen Books in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Dublin’, in Marjorie Leonard & Jason McElligott, Hunting Stolen Books (Dublin, 2017), pp. 3-7.
Hunting Stolen Books (Dublin, 2017). Catalogue of an exhibition curated by Marjorie Leonard & Jason McElligott, May 2017. 80 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9930953-3-7. Online exhibition of ‘Hunting Stolen Books‘.
‘Telling tales from The Other Side’, in Elaine Doyle, 1916. Tales from The Other Side. An exhibition in Marsh’s Library, March-Dec. 2016 (Dublin 2016), pp. 5-9. ISBN: 978-0-9930953-0-6
‘Doodles, marginalia and annotations: The significance of a marginal enterprise’, in Maria O’Shea, The Unicorn & the Fencing Mouse: an exhibition of marginalia, annotations and doodles (Dublin, 2015), pp. 3-7. ISBN: 978-0-9930953-2-0.
Scary (and Hairy) Tales from Marsh’s Library (March,2015), (Children’s comic by Julie Burke, Jason McElligott, and John Rooney). ISBN: 978-0-9930953-1-3.
‘James Joyce’s radical reading on his church‘, Rite & Reason column of The Irish Times, 3 February 2015, p. 14.
‘James Joyce and the stagnant bay of Marsh’s Library’, in James Joyce, Apocalypse and Exile (October,2014), pp. 4-6. An exhibition catalogue by Anne Marie D’Arcy, John McCafferty, Marina Ansaldo and Jason McElligott.
James Joyce, Apocalypse and Exile (October,2014). 96 pp. An exhibition catalogue by Anne Marie D’Arcy, John McCafferty, Marina Ansaldo and Jason McElligott. ISBN: 978-0-9930953-0-6.
An online version of ‘James Joyce, Apocalypse & Medievalism in Marsh’s Library‘.
Imagining Japan, 1570-1750 (April,2014). An exhibition catalogue compiled with Declan M.Downey of UCD.
Exquisite and Rare: Bookbindings from the Library of Benjamin Guinness, 3rd Earl of Iveagh (July, 2013). 144pp. An exhibition compiled by Philip Maddock with Jason McElligott and Sue Hemmens.
‘In the Line of Fire’, History Ireland, Vol. 20, No. 3 (May/June 2012), pp. 44-45.
‘Cromwellian Courts Martial Records’, History Ireland, Vol. 20, No. 1 (January/February 2012) , pp. 20-21.
Marvels of Science: Books that Changed the World (June 2012). 96 pp. An exhibition compiled by Sue Hemmens, Muriel McCarthy, Jason McElligott and Ann Simmons.
I was a presenter on 13 June 2024 at the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Library Showcase, a webinar held to highlight the collections of Marsh’s Library, the W.A. Clark Memorial Library in Los Angeles, CA and the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA.
‘Incompatible audiences? The tension between religious ideals and public access in Marsh’s Library, 1707-
1850’, invited lecture for the seminar ‘Libraries and Books: Places and Spaces of Devotion c. 1600-1800’ held at Durham University.
‘Theft, War and Climate Change. The Three Horsemen of the Library Apocalypse’. A lecture for the AGM of the Friends of St Patrick Cathedral, Dublin on 22 May 2024.
‘Books for old soldiers? The libraries of the Royal Hospital Kilmainham’, an invited lecture as part of the OPW’s public programme at the RHK, on 18 May 2024.
‘Cold, draughty and uncomfortable? The institutional libraries of early modern Ireland’, an invited lecture at the Royal Irish Academy on 24 April 2024 as part of the public lecture series ‘Early Modern Book Collections: Past, Present and Future’. A recording is available here: https://soundcloud.com/the-royal-irish-academy/lecture-1-24-april-2024-2-dr?in=the-royal-irish-academy/sets/early-modern-book-collections-past-present-and-future
Invited participant at a workshop organised by Professor Robyn Adams on the early records of the Bodleian Library in Oxford on 16 April 2024.
‘Hydrotherapy and Shakespeare on the Atlantic edge: Tralee Spa in 1756’, a talk at the UCD Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland on 29 February 2024. In conjunction with Marc Caball (UCD).
‘Smuggling, Stealing, Selling & Shooting the books of Dr Élie Bouhéreau’, a public address for The 6th Randolph Vigne Memorial Lecture of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland in London on 14 November 2023.
‘Criminal Insanity. Bram Stoker and the Inmates of Millbank Prison’, lecture in TCD as part of the Bram Stoker Festival, 29 October 2023.
‘Tralee, 1756: Shakespeare on the Atlantic edge’, joint presentation with March Caball of UCD at a one-day conference entitled ‘Shakespeare the Irishman’ held in TCD on 14 April 2023.
‘The fate and fortune of books in the (interminable) wars, insurrections and civil wars of Ireland’, invited lecture at ‘Libraries in the Time of War’, an international symposium organised by IFLA and CERL at Uppsala University Library, Sweden on 16 March 2023
‘Censorship and Censure: From academic enquiry to real-world practice’, invited presentation at the ‘Books!’ seminar of the British, Irish and Empire Studies Program at the University of Texas at Austin, USA, on 8 March 2023.
‘Making sense of the world by binding together ephemeral pamphlets’, invited presentation at AHRC-funded workshop on ‘Experiencing Political Texts’ organised by Professor Rachel Hammersley, University of York, UK on 24 February 2023.
‘Bram Stoker, Home Rule and Irish Unity’, a keynote address in the National Museum of Ireland at Collins’ Barracks as part of the 2022 Bram Stoker Festival in Dublin on 29 October 2022
‘Bram Stoker, Home Rule and Irish Identity’, invited presentation for the online book club of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC in advance of their discussion of Joseph O’Connor’s novel Shadowplay on 6 October 2022.
‘Books for old soldiers: Creating a library at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, 1712-14’, presentation at the annual conference of the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, University College Cork, 18 June 2022, and also at the annual Tudor-Stuart history conference, 19 August in the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.
‘Bram Stoker, Journalism and the British Empire’, invited lecture for the Department of English at the University of Florence, Italy on 19 May 2022.
‘Book Theft as a Methodology for the History of Reading’, invited presentation at a conference to mark 20 years of the JPR Lyell Benefaction, held in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 25 April 2022.
‘The best little library in Ireland (outside of Cork)’, invited lecture for the Cork Literary and Scientific Society, 4 March 2022.
‘The Ragged-Gowned Philanthropist: Miss Lamotte’s Post-Mortem Auction, 1769’, presentation at the annual conference of the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, Limerick, 17 June 2021.
‘The Irish and Russian backgrounds to Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula‘, invited lecture on 29 October 2020 for the Irish Studies Centre of Herzen State Pedagogical University, St Petersburgh, Russia.
‘Сохраняя коллекции веками: пример Библиотеки Марша в Дублине’, invited lecture at conference in the Kremlin, Moscow on the topic of ‘Custodians of Book Collections’ 22 October 2020. This was for the XVII annual conference of the Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum and Heritage Site
‘Keeping an ancient rare book library’, invited lecture for The Little Museum of Dublin, 4 October 2020.
‘Ideal Immigrants’? A sermon at the Annual Huguenot Commemoration Service in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, 20 October 2019.
‘Bram Stoker’s The Mystery of the Sea (1902)’, presentation at the Tudor-Stuart Ireland annual conference August 2019 in Trinity College Dublin.
‘Evidence for Female Book Ownership in Seventeenth-Century Libraries’, presentation at ‘Seventeenth-Century Libraries: Problems & Perspectives’, an international conference at University College London, 6-8 June 2019.
‘Exploding Back into Life: The Re-Discovery of Forgotten Books’, invited lecture at DCU Cregan Library, 7 March 2019, inspired by Marie Hanlon’s visual arts exhibition, It’s All About Books (25 Feb – 15 March 2019).
‘Marginalia, Networks and Emotions: Bringing Old Books and Libraries to Life’, invited keynote address at C.E.M.S. Winter School in Medieval & Early Modern Archival Skills & Book History, University of Limerick, 3 December 2018.
‘Screaming Children, Demanding Parents & Dumbing Down: Your Worst Nightmares About Outreach’, a lecture at Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, 24 November 2017.
‘Un-Enlightened Readers: Stealing Books in Eighteenth-Century Dublin’, invited lecture for the Centre for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Queen’s University Belfast, 13 October 2017.
‘The Sieges of Vienna (1683) and Derry (1689): Making Sense of the World by Binding Together Ephemeral Pamphlets’, paper at one day conference on Pamphleteering Culture, 1558-1702, at the University of Edinburgh on 30 September 2017.
‘The Men They Couldn’t Hang: “Sensible” Radicals and the Cato Street Conspiracy’, paper at conference on Cato Street Conspiracy of 1820 at Sheffield University, 11th and 12th September 2017.
‘William Hone and the Cato Street (1820) and Rye House (1683) plots’, paper presented at the 7th annual Tudor & Stuart Ireland conference in NUI Galway on Friday 18 August 2017.
‘Artifice and Creativity in the Books and Manuscripts of Elias Bouhéreau’ (paper co-presented with Sue Hemmens), at a conference entitled Literary Archives in the Digital Age, Trinity College Dublin, 7-8 July 2017.
‘Untypical Villains? The Hidden Story of White-Collar Crime’, invited lecture at The Little Museum of Dublin, 14 April 2017, as part of the Dublin Lectures Series 2017.
‘Dealing with Awkward, Uncomfortable and Evil Items in Manuscripts and Archives’, invited lecture on 4 April 2017 to the 2017 AGM of the Irish Society for Archives.
‘How John Hewson Signed His Name: Or, How to Spot a Monster in an Archive’, presented at 63rd annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) in Chicago, 31 March 2017.
‘Un-Enlightened Readers: Stealing Books in Eighteenth-Century Dublin’, talk on 20 July 2016 at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris as part of 2016 SHARP conference.
‘The Missing Link: Towards a History of the Irish Newspaper in the Eighteenth Century’, paper presented on 6 July 2016 at ‘Shared Histories: Media Connections between Britain and Ireland’ conference in the National Library of Ireland.
‘Early-modern women and their books: Evidence from Ireland’s first public library’, paper presented on 1 April 2016 at Renaissance Society of America annual conference (Boston, MA).
‘1916: Tales from The Other Side‘, lecture as part of event to mark 1916 Rising in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 17 February 2016.
‘Total Nightmare‘, invited speaker among a panel of talks for Bram Stoker Festival 2015, 25th October 2015.
‘Stealing books in the early modern period: the Dublin experience’, invited talk to the ‘Golden Age Colloquium’ organised by the University of Amsterdam, 6 October 2015.
‘Puritanism, William of Orange and Bram Stoker’s Dracula’, an invited public lecture as part of the Dublin Festival of History 2015, Dublin City Hall, 3 October 2015.
‘Using social media to generate public profile’, invited presentation at workshop on social media organised by the Rare Books Group of the Library Association of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, 11 May 2015
‘How John Hewson Signed His Name. Or, How to Spot a Monster in a Digital Archive’, a paper presented at one-day conference ‘Physical Archives in the Digital Age’, Chawton House Library, University of Southampton, 13 April 2015.
‘Marsh’s Library, Dublin: Where the Enlightenment came to die?’ A paper presented at Dr Williams’s Library, London, January 22-24, 2015, as part of the AHRC-funded network ‘ Community Libraries: Connecting Readers in the Atlantic World, c.1650-c.1850′.
‘From the frying pan into the fire? Elie Bouhereau and the Huguenot experience in Britain and Ireland’, a paper presented at ‘Varieties of Dissenting Expression’, a one-day conference at Dr Williams’s Library, London, on 8 November 2014.
‘Walter Benjamin, Bob Dylan and Candide. Reflections on five centuries of library collections in Ireland’, invited speaker at 4th Galway City Heritage Conference, Galway, 24-26 September 2014.
‘The poor relation? Writing the history of the Irish newspaper in the long eighteenth century’, invited speaker at Media History symposium on the history of newspapers and serials during the seventeenth- and eighteenth centuries’, King’s College London, 9 September 2014.
‘How John Hewson Signed His Name. Or How to Spot a Monster in an Archive’, a paper presented to the Church of Ireland Historical Society on 2 November 2013.
‘Islamica at Marsh’s Library’, talk in conjunction with Professor Tony Lappin of NUI Maynooth, at the 89th MELCOM (UK) conference at Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 25 June 2013.
‘Exploring Marsh’s Library’, for the National Gallery of Ireland, 11 June 2013 as part of the ‘Summer Talks’ series.
‘Between Reality and Essence: Historians Narrating Violence’ at Unravelling Violence: Historians, Narratives and Meanings, the 31st Irish Conference of Historians, UCD, 7-8 June 2013.
‘The Invention of Print’ and ‘The Bullet-Book’, presentations on IRC-funded i-pad app ‘Books of Dublin’, 21 May 2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnhk9Lz9ytc
‘How seriously should we take “British” history? Rumour, paranoia and the Williamite campaign in Ireland’. Lecture at TCD Early Modern Seminar series, 11 February 2013.
‘The Bullet Book’, presentation for www.storymap.ie. <http://storymap.ie/the-bullet-book> 21 November 2012.
‘The Future for Digital Design: Lessons from the first century of book printing 1450-1550‘. At ‘The Book: History and Practice’, an IRCHSS-funded workshop at UCD Humanities Institute of Ireland, 12 March 2012.
‘“A Stagnant Bay?” The future for Marsh’s Library and its collections’, talk at UCD Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Institute, 10 February 2012.
‘Can we take newspapers too seriously? News and Truth during the English Revolution’, keynote lecture at a conference entitled ‘Journalism and History: Dialogues’ hosted by the Centre for the Study of Journalism and History at the University of Sheffield, 15 September 2010.
‘The Myths and Perils of Digitisation’, presentation for ‘At The Crossroads: The Road Ahead for Academic Libraries in Ireland’, Irish National University Library Society (INULS) 2010, UCD, 25-25 June 2010.
‘How many ways can you kill a baby? Massacre, Infanticide and Cultural Memory during the English Revolution’, a presentation at a conference on the 1641 Depositions, TCD, 10 April 2010.
‘A History without a Future? Radicalism, Law, Power and the Media’, concluding keynote address at ‘The Chalk, the Cheese and the Man in the Moon’, A symposium to celebrate the work of David Underdown, Jesus College, Oxford: Saturday 27 February 2010.
‘”Blessed Severity”: Press Censorship in Cromwellian England, presentation at the Early-Modern British and Irish Seminar, TCD, 22 February 2010.
‘News, Psalm 137 and Massacre in Civil War England’, at the ‘Royalist and Radical Religion’ workshop at the University of Manchester, 11 Sept. 2009.
‘News, Psalm 137 and Massacre in Civil War England’, part of a round-table on ‘Moral Panics in Historical Perspective’ at the ‘IAMHIST Conference 2009: Social Fears and Moral Panics, Aberystwyth, 8-11 July 2009.
‘Royalism, Censure and Censorship in Interregnum England’, presented at the ‘Authorities and Authority’ conference at the University of Reading, 6-8 July 2009.
‘Atlantic Royalism? Polemic, Censorship, and the 1649 Declaration of Virginia’, presented at ‘The Reign of Charles I, 1625-1649’ at the Huntington Library, San Marino, California, 24 January, 2009.
‘Milton, Psalm 137 and anti-Catholic Paranoia in Seventeenth-Century England’, presented at the History of the Book Seminar, Merton College, 14 May 2008.
‘William Hone and the History of Reading’, presented at the History of the Book Seminar, All Souls, Oxford, 22 February 2008.
‘The Perils of Print Culture: EEBO and the I-Pod Generation’, presented at the Humanities Institute of Ireland, Dublin, 5 October 2007 and at the University of Reading, 20 February 2008.
‘A New Model for Early-Modern Press Censorship’, invited paper at the Morrell Conference on Toleration, Department of Politics, University of York, September 2007
‘Atlantic Royalism? “A Declaration and Protestation of the Governor and Inhabitants of Virginia”, presented at the British Group in Early American History, University of Swansea, September 2007.
‘Calibrating Early-Modern Print Culture’, presented at a conference organised by the Centre for Media History, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 28 March 2007.
‘The Perils of Print Culture’, presented at a colloquium entitled ‘In Search of Popular Politics’, Jesus College, Oxford, February 2007.
‘Rethinking Censorship in Early-Modern Britain’, a paper presented at the ‘Literary Culture in Early-Modern Britain’ seminar in Oxford, 15 November 2006.
‘William Hone and his Books’ at a conference entitled ‘Print Networks’, at Trinity College Dublin, 25-27 July 2006.
‘William Hone and the Transmission of Radical Ideas’ at a conference entitled ‘Rediscovering Radicalism in the British Isles and Ireland, c.1550-c.1700’, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 21-23 June 2006.
‘Secret and seditious: an underground network of Royalist printers and publishers in Civil War’ at the Oxford Bibliographical Society, 9 March 2006.
‘Cheap Print and Sexual Libel in Civil War Propaganda’ at the History of the Book Seminar, All Souls College, Oxford, 17 February 2006
‘Marchmont Nedham, Royalism and the Shifting Nature of Civil War Allegiances’ at the Early-Modern British History Seminar, Oxford, 24 November 2005.
Recipient of a Visiting Research Fellowship at the Folger Library, Washington, DC, October and November 2018.
Recipient of a ‘Special Merit Award’ (2009) for an ‘outstanding contribution’ to teaching and research at Oxford University.
Elected to the Munby Fellowship in Bibliography at Cambridge University, 2008 (declined).
Full Fellow of Merton College, Oxford (2005-08) as J.P.R. Lyell Research Fellow in the History of the Early-Modern Printed Book.
Awarded an IRCHSS Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2003-05.
United Kingdom Foreign Office Chevening Scholarship in 1997-98 and 1998-99.
National University of Ireland Travelling Studentship for 1997-99.
United Kingdom Arts and Humanities Research Board Scholarship for 1999-2000.
Holder of the Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarship (1997-2000) at Cambridge University.
Scholarship from the Cambridge European Trust (1997-2000).
Recipient of a scholarship (1994-96) from UCD to research an M.A. thesis on ‘The Newsbooks of Interregnum England, 1649-1660’.
Winner of the T. Desmond Williams Memorial Medal for obtaining first place in the final year UCD history examination (1994).
Winner of the Maureen Wall Memorial Medal for obtaining first place in the second year history examination (1993) in University College Dublin.
Winner of the end of year Examination Debate in UCD History (1993).
Recipient of the Patrick Semple Distinguished Student Award in UCD History (1993).